Hope for Ukrainian Soldiers: A Portable Manga Bible is Born


For Ukrainian Soldiers—Pocket-Sized Manga Bible Completed!

The Pocket-Sized Manga Bible (Ukrainian edition), which combines two manga Bibles into one, has been completed! This special ministry tool is meant to help Ukrainian soldiers on the battlefield find healing and salvation.

Two books in one! Read from both sides.
Two books in one! Read from both sides.

This unique book combines Manga Messiah and Manga Metamorphosis into a compact pocket-sized book. Using Japan’s thin yet durable Bible paper, it is 576 pages but only 12mm thick, making it easy to carry around.

38,400 pocket-sized manga Bibles shipped
38,400 pocket-sized manga Bibles shipped

Even in the harsh conditions of the battlefield, soldiers can quickly engage with the Word of God. With this hope in mind, on January 27, we shipped 38,400 copies to our ministry partners in Europe. We sincerely appreciate your warm prayers and support.

The shipping cost (1.66 million yen) has not yet been fully covered. We kindly ask for your continued prayers and support.


Ukrainian Pastor Visiting Japan! Fellowship and Prayer Meeting

Pastor Volodymyr Hirniak (left) and Missionary Vidar Aaronsen (right)
Pastor Volodymyr Hirniak (left) and
Missionary Vidar Aronsen (right)

As a valuable opportunity to learn about the current situation in Ukraine and missionary work, a “Fellowship and Prayer Meeting” will be held.
On this occasion, Pastor Volodymyr Hirniak from Ukraine and Missionary Vidar Aronsen from Norway’s New Life Ministries will visit Japan to report on the situation and missionary efforts on the ground.

This event will provide an opportunity to learn about Ukraine’s current situation and join together in prayer.

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Ukraine still needs our support! Please consider donating to this project.


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  • Donations can be made using these Credit/Debit cards
  • Donations will be processed by our ministry partner, GLINTS, using the DonorSnap System
  • Gifts given through our U.S. partner are tax deductible (U.S. only)
  • Please add a note in the comments section of the donate page if you want your gift to go to a specific project.
  • Non-designated funds will be allocated to the project where it is most needed.
  • Click here to review our three current ministry projects.

New Life Ministries is a non-denominational Christian ministry committed to serving the Lord by printing and sending Bibles and Gospel literature to Japan and the rest of the world, in each people group’s heart language.
Beginning in 1954, under the name New Life League, the ministry reached out to children, provided Gospel literature, and did evangelism through radio broadcast.
Later on, the work shifted more to the collection and printing of Gospel literature as the main focus.
Throughout history, there has always been a call for the supply of Bibles, and New Life Ministries has continued to do all that it can to meet the demand. Our purpose is to see Japan changed for Jesus, and that the whole world be filled with His precious Word.

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