The Bible Changes Lives: Testimonies from Southeast Asia


The Lord continues to work in the lives of people in Southeast Asia as they receive His Word through the work we do in collaboration with our local ministry partners. Here are just two of the many testimonies we receive.

A Poor Man’s Story of Salvation

Asia ProjectMr. A has spent years working in rubber farms in Myanmar. He was a devout Buddhist. His life changed unexpectedly in 2022 when a small group of Christians invited him to share a Christmas meal.

“I never really cared about my life after death. Then some Christians ate with me and shared the Word of God,” Mr. A shared.

During the gathering, a young Christian man passionately shared about creation, human sin, and the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Mr. A, deeply moved, began to sense the presence and the love of God in that moment. He engaged the young man with questions about Jesus. Mr. A accepted Christ into his life.

After I accepted Christ, I felt so happy. My heart was filled with peace that I could sleep very well at night. I read the Gospel of Mark every day. I prayed for a printed and complete Bible in my language. I could not afford to buy a Bible. I did not know where to get [one].”

His prayer was answered when someone gave him a copy of God’s Word. Despite his age and poverty, he now feels spiritually enriched. He could not stop feeling thankful to all donors and missionaries who live their lives spreading God’s word.

Mr. A’s story highlights the transformative power of the printed Bible. The impact of our prayers and donations is huge.

Bibles Reaching
Myanmar’s Remote Villages Amid Pandemic

Asia ProjectIn Myanmar’s remote villages, access to printed Bibles in local languages remains difficult.

“I had COVID and was so ill that I almost died. I was healed when I turned to the Lord and decided to accept Jesus. I wanted to read the Bible but there were no Bibles where I lived,” shared Ms. B, a Buddhist who became Christian during the pandemic.

While deeply rooted in Buddhist traditions, she had Christian relatives. When she accepted the Lord after being healed from COVID, her biggest struggle was finding a printed copy of the Word of God in her language. She dedicated her life to the Lord but she wanted to grow in her faith. She kept sharing the love of Jesus to others while also praying to have her very own Bible.

“I shared the word of God to my relatives. I also went to other remote villages so those people could hear about Jesus. The Bibles available to us at that time were in a language we could not understand. I kept talking to other people about Jesus until someone gave me a Bible for free. I still feel very grateful when I think of that moment.

Her prayers were answered at a church event where Burmese Bibles were distributed freely. Ms. B began reading the Scriptures daily. She decided to tell others about Christ for the rest of her life.

The impact of these printed Bibles extended beyond her, reaching other remote villages in Myanmar. The accessible and printed Word of God in these hard-to-reach villages became a solid source of hope, strength, and healing during the pandemic’s loss and hopelessness.

If you were one of those who have supported us in any way – prayers, donations, or encouragement, please know that your partnership with New Life Ministries and many brave missionaries in the field, is changing many lives.

Let us continue to bring these Bibles to those who need to hear about the love of the Lord. We will not stop until we reach the ends of the earth. Thank you.


Online Giving

For donations originating from Japan and non-North American countries.

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  • Donations can be made using these Credit/Debit cards
  • Donations will be processed by our ministry partner, GLINTS, using the DonorSnap System
  • Gifts given through our U.S. partner are tax deductible (U.S. only)
  • Please add a note in the comments section of the donate page if you want your gift to go to a specific project.
  • Non-designated funds will be allocated to the project where it is most needed.
  • Click here to review our three current ministry projects.

New Life Ministries is a non-denominational Christian ministry committed to serving the Lord by printing and sending Bibles and Gospel literature to Japan and the rest of the world, in each people group’s heart language.
Beginning in 1954, under the name New Life League, the ministry reached out to children, provided Gospel literature, and did evangelism through radio broadcast.
Later on, the work shifted more to the collection and printing of Gospel literature as the main focus.
Throughout history, there has always been a call for the supply of Bibles, and New Life Ministries has continued to do all that it can to meet the demand. Our purpose is to see Japan changed for Jesus, and that the whole world be filled with His precious Word.

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