A Cambodian Girl’s Journey: From Loss to Hope

Background image from Wikipedia. Adam Jones from Kelowna, BC, Canada, CC BY-SA 2.0 , via Wikimedia Commons/Corto Maltese 1999, CC BY 2.0 , via Wikimedia Commons/KY Geologist, CC BY 2.0 , via Wikimedia Commons/James Antrobus, CC BY 2.0 , via Wikimedia Commons

In Kampong Chhnang, Cambodia, lives a 10-year-old girl named Joy (not her real name). Joy is in Grade 4 and her story is one of both deep sorrow and enduring hope. A Bible-based book from New Life Ministries for OneHope became a lifeline for Joy. The Manga Manger provided a way for her to navigate the tough emotions of grief and poverty by discovering the unconditional love of Jesus.

When Joy was 9 years old, her father died in a fishing accident. Her father was the only provider for their family, and his loss was devastating. As the youngest of three children, Joy felt the pain of losing her father unexpectedly.

カンボジア人少女の旅路The grief of losing a parent can be overwhelming for a child. It often leaves children feeling lost and isolated, struggling to understand and cope with the sudden absence of a loved one. Children like Joy may experience a range of emotions, from sadness and anger to confusion and guilt. Such profound loss can impact their sense of security and their ability to engage with the world around them. In Joy’s situation, the support she found through the local church became her starting point.

In her sadness, Joy heard about a church with a children’s program. She asked her older brother to take her there, and they started attending each week. Joy found an escape and comfort through this local church and started making new friends.

One Christmas, the church gave each child a Manga Manger book from OneHope. Joy loved the book so much that she wanted to share it with her friends at school. She asked her teacher for more books and then invited her friends to the church.

Her friends enjoyed the books and the church, too. Joy’s excitement about sharing her faith continued to grow. She finally decided to follow Jesus. Her teacher supported her dream to know Jesus more through regular Bible studies.

カンボジア人少女の旅路After four months of study, Joy and her friends were baptized and became teacher assistants at the church. Though she still misses her father, Joy finds peace in her church family and in her new faith. She knows that Jesus is always with her, loving and caring for her.

Joy’s story shows the powerful impact of faith and church community. We are deeply grateful to our generous donors and partners who play a vital role in making the printing and distribution of Bibles and Manga Bibles possible. Your faithful prayers and commitment to support this ministry is not just an investment in books but in the future and salvation of countless children and their families around the world.


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New Life Ministries is a non-denominational Christian ministry committed to serving the Lord by printing and sending Bibles and Gospel literature to Japan and the rest of the world, in each people group’s heart language.
Beginning in 1954, under the name New Life League, the ministry reached out to children, provided Gospel literature, and did evangelism through radio broadcast.
Later on, the work shifted more to the collection and printing of Gospel literature as the main focus.
Throughout history, there has always been a call for the supply of Bibles, and New Life Ministries has continued to do all that it can to meet the demand. Our purpose is to see Japan changed for Jesus, and that the whole world be filled with His precious Word.

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