Reaching Homes and Restricted Communities Through Phadei Chin Bibles*


Many people around the world wait for years just to access a printed copy of the Word of God in their own language. For some communities and minority groups, this dream remains unfulfilled throughout their entire lives. The urgency to print Bibles is especially critical to reach the very vulnerable groups in restricted countries and among minority language speakers. These people long to read God’s Word in their native tongue. Sadly, many people do not even get to own a printed Bible.

Entrusted with the mission of translating the Fadei Chin Bible
Pastor Ko’s wife holding a Bible

The story of Rev. Ko, a translator of Phadei Chin Bibles, brings a lot of inspiration. He didn’t attend even one day of school because of his family’s poverty. He would always come to school and listen to the teachers while sitting outside the classrooms. By God’s grace, he learned how to read and write by doing this over and over again.

Because he loved God and feared God, God gave Rev. Ko wisdom in the years that followed. Upon moving to a new location, Rev Ko was welcomed by pastors who recognized his spiritual potential. With their encouragement and support, Rev Ko started a theological study through correspondence courses, eventually fulfilling his calling as a pastor.

When the Falam Bible was released, Rev Ko was moved by the Holy Spirit to translate the Bible into the Phadei Chin language. He sought the blessings of the reverend who translated the Falam Bible and began the tedious translation process.

Rev. Ko dedicated his whole life to translating the Bible into the Phadei Chin language and to telling others about the Lord. This unique calling led him to complete this task for the Lord after 18 years of meticulous and almost impossible work of typing the entire Bible using a typewriter. Initially printing and distributing 500 copies only, he immediately witnessed the life-giving impact of providing access to the Scripture translated in a language deeply understood and cherished by the people. ファデイ・チン語聖書の翻訳の使命を託されて

Sadly, his initial printing was bulky at 1 kilogram per Bible. Before his passing, he had one prayer—a version of this translated Bible that could be easily carried and be read by many generations.

This community waited for another 9 years and the improved and smaller Phadei Bible was finally reprinted. God answered their prayers.

Rev. Ko left a beautiful legacy that will continue to make an impact in his country.

We invite you to keep partnering with New Life Ministries through prayers, local and international printing projects, and donations to ensure that every person, regardless of location or language around the world, experiences the true joy, love, and peace of the Lord. Please continue to pray for the very vulnerable groups to have access to printed Bibles in their languages.

Thank you for helping us spread these stories of hope. Thank you for making these stories possible.

*The narratives shared in this article draw on insights and experiences of respected organizations doing mission work in the field.


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  • Non-designated funds will be allocated to the project where it is most needed.
  • Click here to review our three current ministry projects.

New Life Ministries is a non-denominational Christian ministry committed to serving the Lord by printing and sending Bibles and Gospel literature to Japan and the rest of the world, in each people group’s heart language.
Beginning in 1954, under the name New Life League, the ministry reached out to children, provided Gospel literature, and did evangelism through radio broadcast.
Later on, the work shifted more to the collection and printing of Gospel literature as the main focus.
Throughout history, there has always been a call for the supply of Bibles, and New Life Ministries has continued to do all that it can to meet the demand. Our purpose is to see Japan changed for Jesus, and that the whole world be filled with His precious Word.

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