A Bible for Every Home – Bible Distribution in Sweden


Thank you very much for always remembering our ministry.
We would like to share about a project done by our mission partner in Sweden.

A Bible for Every Home in Sweden

book of the HopeOur mission partner, Bible for the Nations, has begun a great project in order to distribute New Testaments to all homes in Sweden since 2021.
Sweden is considered to be a Christian country, but in reality, there is a hollowing out of faith and many have never read the Bible. Bible for the Nations is trying to break through this reality by distributing New Testaments to every household in Sweden.

At New Life Ministries, we have printed and shipped 672,000 copies of the Swedish New Testaments in 2023. We plan to continue printing more Swedish New Testaments in 2024. We have received report and video of this project from Bible for the Nations – take a look!

530 Volunteers

The Bible distribution campaign took place in the summer of 2023, with more than 530 volunteers from communities in Germany who traveled to Sweden to serve for this project.
There were children, youth, families and even elderly people who took part. During the summer, 460,000 Books of Hope (NT with life stories) and approximately 80,000 Books of Hope for Children (a children’s Bible that tells the story of God’s salvation) were dropped into mailboxes across Sweden. We worked in several states – Värmland, Dalarna, Gästrikland, on the islands of Öland and Gotland, and also in Småland in southern Sweden.

A number of congregations in Sweden, including small ones, were happy about this Bible distribution campaign and also took part. The campaign has been going on for 3 years now and so far 1 million Bibles have been distributed throughout Sweden. We were also able to refer several people to local churches and we saw that people found Christ.

We are pleased to be able to bring the Word of God to the Swedish people together with German congregations. Both adults and children need the gospel and we are grateful to be able to continue this Bible drive.

Bible Distribution in Sweden 2024

We also plan to distribute Bibles in Sweden in 2024. In total, 600,000 Book of Hope Bibles and 90,000 children’s Bibles will be produced and distributed in the federal states of Småland, Dalsland, Bohuslän and Gävle. We are so grateful to print our Bibles with New Life Ministries and for 2 years we have printed the Book of Hope in Japan.

Many of you may be thinking, “Delivering Bible to each home in one nation? What an impossible thing to do!” However, if one person says “I will do it” and stands up to this vision from our Lord, the need is met, many join in, and become a huge wave able to complete such a challenging work. We are impressed and encouraged by the people distributing Bibles in this video, both children and young people, who enjoyed participating in this project. We thank the Lord for allowing us to take part in such a wonderful project.

New Life Ministries is in the process with these Bible printings as we prepare for distribution this year. Please pray for the protection upon the printing process, and the shipping and safe delivery, also for the distribution activities planned this summer, so many who receive will be able to know the hope in our Lord!

Bible for the Nations
Bibelverteilaktion in Schweden 2024

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