“The Messiah” Challenge Trouble Shooting

Table of Contents


Issues with downloading the Study Guide

・Nothing happens when I click the download button

Some issues are reported when downloading the Study Guide using third-party apps, browsers, and in-app browsers.
Please make sure to use Safari or Google Chrome when downloading the Study Guide.
You may not be able to download the Study Guide using apps such as Line, Twitter, Facebook, Yahoo, Firefox, Microsoft Edge, or other in-app browsers.
If you are having issues downloading the Study Guide using Safari or Google Chrome, you are able to order a printed Study guide (Free of Charge) using This Form

・The download file becomes a BIN file instead of PDF

If this happens, please access the PDF using the URL below and select “Save” or “Download” with the PDF/Adobe icon displayed displayed.

  • Japanese Study Guide(Printable)
  • English Study Guide(Printable)
  • Japanese Study Guide(PC)
  • English Study Guide(PC)
  • Japanese Study Guide(Smart Phone)
  • English Study Guide(Smart Phone)

If you are still having issues, you are able to order a printed Study guide using This Form

Issues with using the Study Guide

・I can’t fill out the PDF file using iPhone, corrupted characters showing when opening PDF

When using an iPhone, you may encounter issues in which you are not able to fill out the Study Guide, or the characters become corrupted when opening the file.
In that case, opening the file using the App Adobe Acrobat Reader (free on the App Store) may solve the issue.
Adobe Acrobat Reader can be downloaded from the AppStore

How to open the Study Guide using Adobe Acrobat Reader

From the AppStore, download Adobe Acrobat Reader
Click the Files icon from the home screen.
Open the Downloads folder.
Tap and hold the downloaded file.
Name of file:

  • (English) The_Messiah_Eng_sp.pdf
  • Tap Move in folder.
    Select the Acrobat folder and tap Move in the upper right corner.
    The Study Guide will open automatically in Adobe Acrobat Reader.

    If you are still having issues, you can order a printed Study guide using This Form

    ・I can’t fill out the PDF file using Android

    In order to use the Smartphone Version Study Guide on Android, you would need to download the free App Adobe Acrobat Reader
    For Detailed instructions, please check This page.
    If you are still having issues, you can order a printed Study guide using This Form

    ・I can’t fill out the PDF file using PC(Windows・Mac)

    Some issues have been reported where characters are displayed in the lower left corner (or not displayed at all) when filling out the form in Japanese, and the Study Guide does not get filled in unless you press ENTER.
    This happens when opening the PDF in web browsers such as Safari, Chrome, or Micosoft Edge. Please make sure to open the file The_Messiah_Challenge_JP_digital.pdf saved in your downloads folder on your PC.
    If the problem persists, please use the smartphone version of the workbook or order a printed version of the Study guide using This Form

    Other Issues

    If you have any other technical issues or questions regarding “The Messiah Challenge”, please contact us using This Link


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